Funds and grants available to access Lyfta in your school

School leaders are having to make increasingly tough decisions about how precious funds are allocated. We know that enrichment activities like school trips are one of the first things at risk of being cut, yet we know these types of activities provide a vital tool to broaden students’ horizons, building character and social and cultural capital, vital to good student outcomes. 

Below we have outlined some of the grants available to fund enrichment opportunities like Lyfta. Please contact us if you would like more information or support from the team in this area.

Lyfta on screen Aug 22 (1)

Utilising Pupil Premium Funding

Many schools and trusts utilise a portion of their Pupil Premium funding to pay for Lyfta. 

The breadth of experiences of places, people and perspectives the platform offers, something often not accessible to this group, helps to raise the aspirations and attainment and tackle non-academic barriers to academic success, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support. 

Using the PE and Sport Premium to fund Lyfta (England)

The Primary PE and Sport Premium helps more children access high quality PE lessons and sporting opportunities, supporting both their physical and mental wellbeing. But did you know that you can use your sport premium to subscribe to Lyfta and enhance your PE offering through our immersive human stories? 

Find out more here.

BlueSpark Grants - educational, cultural, sporting and other projects (UK)

BlueSpark Foundation s a registered charity which supports the education and development of children and young people by providing grants for educational, cultural, sporting and other projects.

  • BlueSpark provides funding for projects which aim to improve the education and development of children and young people by means of educational, cultural, sporting or other activities. Subject to that overriding objective, the Trustees have absolute discretion as to the making of grants. They will give particular consideration to projects they consider will help enhance the self-confidence, team working skills and future employability of children and young people.
  • BlueSpark provides funds for relatively small-scale projects (up to a maximum £5,000) which might not happen at all, or would only happen on a smaller scale without the support of BlueSpark.
  • Funding provided by BlueSpark for any particular project must constitute a significant proportion of the costs of that project rather than being marginally incremental to its funding.
  • It is not a prerequisite that an organisation should provide part of the funds for its own project. However, if an organisation is able to raise part of the cost of a project itself, that will be a favourable factor in the assessment of a grant application particularly where the application is for more than £2000.

Find out more here.

Worshipful Company of Information Technologists Charity (UK)

Grants for projects that use IT to support education, inclusion, public understanding or the use of IT by charities.

Grants of up to £15k are available. Projects funded must make use of information technology, and relate to one or more of their priority areas - education, inclusion, IT for charities, and public understanding of IT. Projects need to demonstrate an innovative use of IT, be scalable for wider replication, and be sustainable over time.

They are more likely to fund the development and delivery of innovative new services, solutions, training, apps, etc.

Find out more here.


National Lottery Community Fund: positive change in the community (UK)

For projects that help people to make positive changes in their community. Schools can apply for revenue and capital funding to bring about improved health and wellbeing, participation and inclusion, skills and life chances for the school community.

They fund projects that work to make positive changes in their community. By community, they mean people living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences.

They like to see projects that can test new approaches to issues in the community.

In order to support communities to thrive, they aim to:

  • build strong relationships in and across communities
  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities
  • help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.

You can apply for funding to deliver new or existing activity or to support your organisation to change and adapt to new and future challenges.

They fund organisational development which can include tech or IT upgrades/purchases.

Find out more here.

Norman Family Charitable Trust (available to schools in Devon and Cornwall)

A local trust that prioritises funding (up to £10k) for local state schools, particularly in East Devon and Exeter. Grants can be made for specific projects that will directly benefit the children of that school.

Find out more here.

We Love MCR Charity Fund (Manchester City only)

Fund to offer positive youth activities in the city.   Providing sustainable, structured programmes and activities to help communities of young people to live safely and successfully.

Find out more here.

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